Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Refrigerator Repair


  • Is my refrigerator worth fixing if I see frost on the back wall of the freezer and the freezer is cold, but the refrigerator is warm?

    The automatic defrost isn't working, which is almost always repairable for much less than the cost of a new refrigerator.

  • Is my refrigerator worth fixing if it smells hot or runs a lot?

    It probably needs a good cleaning, and might need a new condenser fan motor, but this is always worth repairing.

  • Is my refrigerator worth fixing if it clicks on and off?

    Give me a call and I can give you a better idea what's going on. Depending on the replacement cost for the refrigerator and the cost of the repair, it might make sense to fix it in some cases, and replace it in others.

  • Is my refrigerator worth fixing if both sections are warm and the compressor is running?
    Maybe …

    If the sealed system warranty is still in effect, call the manufacturer. If it has expired, wheter to repair it or not depends on the cost of a replacement. With many new refrigerators selling for over $3,000, it's often cost-effective to repair sealed system problems.

  • Is my refrigerator worth fixing if there is water in the bottom of the refrigerator, or ice in the bottom of the freezer?

    This can be caused by a clogged drain and is easily repairable.
Still not sure what to do?

Give me a call at (315)308-1006 and I'll be happy to discuss it with you at no charge!